Our Edmonton clinic offers specialized testing to uncover the root cause of your infertility.
All cases undergo a comprehensive investigation including hormonal, thyroid and nutritional testing.
Thyroid & Adrenal Testing
Hypothyroidism is a common cause of infertility in women and abnormal sperm formation in men.
Fatigue, weight gain, low mood, constipation, poor memory/concentration, cold extremities, thinning hair or menstrual irregularities may suggest thyroid issues.
Fatigue, sleep issues and poor stress tolerance are common causes of hypoadrenalism/adrenal fatigue.
Our fertility clinic offers advanced thyroid and adrenal testing to determine precisely where you need support. Our naturopathic doctors are extremely experienced in both thyroid and adrenal balancing.
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Hormone Testing
We can look at all of your hormones to balance any abnormality that might be contributing to your infertility.
We can screen using blood, saliva or urine and can run the following:
Estrone (E1), Estradiol (E2), Estriol (E3) and Progesterone
DHEA-S, FSH/LH, IGF-1, SHBG, Androstenedione, Total and Free Testosterone, Prolactin & Progesterone
Our naturopaths often use a mix of salivary and serum hormone testing in our fertility cases at our Edmonton clinic. We encourage patients to bring previous blood work so that it can be reviewed as well.
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Nutrient Testing
Nutrient status can have a significant impact on infertility.
Iodine, Zinc, Vitamin E, Selenium, Vitamin C, Folic acid, Vitamin B6/B12, Copper, CoQ10 are the main nutrients we consider in our infertility patients.
We are able to test a broad spectrum of nutrients and anti-oxidants to complement our comprehensive hormone testing.
Our Naturopathic doctors are experienced in IV nutrient administration at our Edmonton Fertility Clinic.
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Heavy Metal Testing
In complicated cases of infertility, we may look at environmental factors such as heavy metal toxicity.
Heavy metals like mercury, cadmium and nickel have been associated with infertility in men and women.
Our clinic offers provocative urinary heavy metals testing and we are experienced with oral chelation techniques, as well as Naturopathic detoxification strategies to reduce total body metal burden.
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We offer Edmonton comprehensive fertility testing.
We often run in-depth hormone and thyroid testing.
Special focus in Alternative Fertility Treatments