Another study showing the benefits of NAC with Clomiphene Therapy in PCOS patients
Clomiphene is one of the most common treatments given to induce ovulation in women undergoing fertility treatments. There can be many side effects associated with clomiphene administration, therefore more studies are showing other alternatives or adjunct therapy that can produce similar results or mitigate some of the side effects.
NAC (N-acetyl-cysteine) can benefit insulin regulation and has promising research in it’s use for PCOS. Studies have shown its ability to induce ovulation in women with PCOS, therefore it has been a promising treatment in patients undergoing fertility treatments. NAC also carries mucolytic and antioxidant properties, possibly improving cervical mucus and reducing the low grade inflammation associated with PCOS.
A study done in 2013, showed NAC combined with clomiphene improved follicle maturation and pregnancy rates in women with PCOS. Chromium picolinate was another therapy used to determine the efficacy in PCOS patients, combined with clomiphene. Chromium has been studied for it’s ability to improve insulin sensitivity in patients with PCOS.
120 women with PCOS were divided into three equal groups:
Group 1: 600mg twice/day NAC + 100mg Clomiphene on cycle Day 3-7
Group 2: 1000ug/day Chromium + 100mg Clomiphene on cycle Day 3-7
Group 3: 100mg Clomiphene alone on cycle Day 3-7
NAC + clomiphene group showed pregnancy rates of 12.5%, compared to 5% in the chromium + clomiphene group. In the group using clomiphene alone, pregnancy rates were 2.5%.
The number of follicles >18mm and the mean endometrial thickness were significantly higher among the NAC + Clomiphene group compared to the other two groups.
In the chromium + clomiphene group, no improvement in follicle maturation was seen when compared to clomiphene alone.
No adverse side-effects were seen across all group, with one case of ovarian stimulation in the NAC + Clomiphene group.
In this study, NAC showed to be a safe and well-tolerated adjunct therapy with Clomiphene in patients with PCOS.
Determining the proper treatment requires identifying the cause of your fertility challenges. Clomiphene is commonly given to women without them knowing the WHY behind their challenges, which can cause months of unnecessary treatments, side effects from the drug, and possibly more invasive fertility procedures.
Comprehensive testing can identify many factors that can contribute to infertility. If you are lumped into the “unexplained” infertility group, there is always hidden underlying issues that can explain your difficulties conceiving.
In good health,
Dr. Kirti Deol